Secondary Students

Leander Extended Opportunity Center Information Sheet

Secondary Students    


The Leander Extended Opportunity Center is a disciplinary alternative education campus. Our goal is to provide students with the ability to maintain or achieve academic success in a school while away from their home campus.  LEO will provide a safe and structured learning environment that encourages students to focus on academic success through ownership of their learning. Through this process, students will be assisted in developing or refining their abilities to self-advocate, manage challenges, and achieve personal successes appropriately. Instruction will be provided by highly qualified, certified teachers from both the students’ home campuses and the Leander Extended Opportunity Center. 

Daily Routine 

School begins at 8:15 each morning and ends each day at 3:35. Students who arrive after 8:15 are tardy. On the first day, students should bring any textbooks and required materials for their elective courses only. Students will not need their LISD or personal computer as they will be assigned one from LEO for the duration of their placement. All other school supplies, including books and calculators, will be provided. Students should not bring a backpack. Students may bring a cell phone, house key, wallet, Chapstick, lunch box/bag, driver's license, and a factory-sealed drink to school. These items will be checked in during the morning security check and returned at the appropriate time. No other items may be brought to LEO. Before entering the building, students will be be dressed according to the LEO dress code. (click here to see the LEO Dress Code). Once students arrive on campus, there should be communication between students only if students are given permission to interact during group work and other times deemed appropriate by LEO staff. 

Ensuring order and safety is vital to LEO's social, emotional, and academic educational program. Students assigned to LEO will walk through metal detectors daily and are subject to daily searches. During all daily searches, students will remove shoes, belts, and any outerwear while waiting patiently in line. Students will turn their pockets inside out and place any personal items in clear zip bags provided by the school. These items will be returned at the end of the school day. Students may, if necessary, be patted down the legs, arms, and back by a staff member. LEO also uses handheld metal-detecting wands as an added security measure when needed. See the Leander ISD Parent and Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct for more information. 

Once students have gone through morning security, they will report to their classroom teacher. The student will go to their assigned seat and read a library book until the first period begins. There are eight periods with a lunch break each day at LEO. All classes meet every day. Students will have scheduled restroom breaks during the day, with emergency breaks available as needed. This will be discussed more during student orientation. Orientation is held on the first day of the assignment and begins promptly at 8:15. Students who are late for orientation will be rescheduled for the next orientation day. Parents may attend an informational meeting offered by making an appointment for Monday, Wednesday, or Friday after 4:00 pm. Call the LEO office at 512-570-2230 to make an appointment.

Student Expectations

LEO students will be safe, respectful, and responsible at all times. Students’ time at LEO will be spent in a highly structured environment that encourages students to focus on academic success by owning their own learning. It allows time for reflection, refocus, and redirection to help ensure their successful return to their home campus at the appropriate time. While at LEO, students should not communicate with other students without permission, should not disrupt the learning of others in their classrooms, and must be respectful of their teachers and other students. Students shall be engaged during class time, should not put their heads down or sleep during class, and should not get up from their desks without permission. 

Attendance and Late Arrivals 

Attendance will be reported daily. Days missed due to absences must be made up before a student may be considered for release. Students must bring a written note from a parent/guardian for any absence. The note shall include the date and reason and be signed by the parent/guardian. Should a student need to see a doctor, then a note from the doctor/office is the most appropriate documentation. For court appearances, the judge or his designee shall issue appropriate documentation. Note: A student may be denied credit and placement extended should they be in violation of the state compulsory attendance requirements. A student is tardy after 8:15 am. A student shall bring a signed note from the parent/guardian when late. Excessive tardies may result in disciplinary action

Class Schedule, Class Work, and Grades 

While at LEO, our teachers will communicate with home campus teachers to help ensure the academic success of the students assigned to our campus. Instruction is given individually or in small groups for all subjects. Even though LEO teachers follow the LISD curriculum, assignments might differ from those given on the home campus due to differences in pacing and sequencing between the two campuses. Students should always ask if there is a question about an assignment or need assistance. Students must complete an adequate amount of work each day as determined by the course instructor. A student could receive a non-productive demerit if the required work is not completed. LEO follows LISD grading policies found in the LISD Student and Parent Handbook. 

Breakfast and Lunch 

Students continue to use their school accounts to pay for meals while at LEO. Students may bring their lunch if they like. Lunches from an outside source are searched daily and returned to the student at the appropriate time. Unfortunately, food items such as soup, chili, stew, or smoothie-type drinks in an open container are prohibited. Refrigerators or microwaves are not available for student use. Students may bring a factory-sealed drink to have at lunch if they choose. Students are not allowed to have food delivered from an outside eating establishment. Food/drink may not be on the student’s desk except during designated breakfast & lunch breaks.  

Illness at LEO 

If a student feels ill during the school day, they will complete a request to see the nurse and will be seen in the campus nurse’s office.


Students will be provided a LEO laptop for the duration of their assignment. All Leander ISD guidelines will be followed, as outlined in the LISD Student Handbook, Appendix B, LISD  Technology Resource Acceptable Use Guidelines. If a student fails to follow the guidelines, the student and parent will be informed of the violations, and the student will not be allowed to use the device again. Students will be provided an assigned laptop as needed to complete their work. Students must close the device at the end of each class period as directed by the teacher. 


The Leander Extended Opportunity Center follows the Leander Independent School District’s Student Code of Conduct. 


Transportation will be provided by LISD at predetermined stops determined by district routers. These are not regular bus stops and are only for transportation to and from LEO. Students will be notified of the bus top location before their first day. Parents/guardians are responsible for getting their students to the appropriate bus stop at the predetermined time.  Students and parents are required to sign a bus behavior contract prior to the student riding the bus to LEO.

Participation in Extracurricular Activities / Trespassing

Students assigned to a DAEP may not enter any school district properties, including those of districts other than Leander ISD, while assigned to LEO. If seen on a district property other than the LEO Center, the student is subject to being charged with trespass and given a ticket. Students are not allowed to participate in or attend any extra-curricular activities sponsored by any school district within the State of Texas. This complies with TEC, Chapter 37, Sub Chapter A, which states that students assigned to a DAEP are prohibited from attending or participating in school-sponsored or school-related activities. Students will not visit or participate in activities at other campuses in the district. Failure to abide by these rules may result in an extension of the student's placement at LEO and/or a citation for criminal trespass.

Should you have questions or concerns, please contact the LEO Center. 

Leander Extended Opportunity (LEO) Center  

   300 S. West Dr., Leander, TX 78641 

   Phone 512-570-2230| Fax 512-570-2234